Terms & Conditions

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We recognize that it’s not always feasible to enter into a formal contract with everyone you do business with.  Individual sales contracts can sometimes be cost prohibitive, too time consuming, or as a result of negotiated terms, are not always effective at maintaining uniformity in how you deal with customers.  Written Terms & Conditions can offer a cost-effective solution to many of these issues.  Since they are written once and used over and over again, the cost of professionally drafted Terms & Conditions can be significantly less than professional review of individual sales contracts. Although not as comprehensive as individual contracts, written Terms & Conditions can provide uniformity with respect to the key aspects of your offerings and provide clarity for your customers and protection for your business without delaying the deal.   

We are skilled in drafting, reviewing and revising Terms & Conditions.  Our method focuses on identifying the key aspects of your offering and providing guidance on ways to safeguard against the core risks without alienating your customers.

Our Terms & Conditions services include:


Market analysis of key competitors’ Terms & Conditions


Identifying key areas of risk


Providing advice, guidance, and recommendations on terms, conditions, exclusions and disclaimers


Drafting, reviewing and revising existing Terms & Conditions to align with company objectives