Private Mediation

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For most people and businesses, the worst things that can happen is to get involved in a serious dispute with one or more significant customers; or to have whatever supply chain you’re reliant on be disrupted.  A no win situation presents itself, you’re either forced to hire a lawyer to defend yourself (or go after the other side), or you lose ground.  Both options have you spending money on lawyers and neither ends well.

Despite the best intentions, unplanned circumstances do occur.  The contractor didn’t finish the job, or didn’t do it well enough; or the factory lost power over the weekend and cannot deliver the widgets in time; or the it was a cold, wet winter followed by springtime floods with odd intervals of extreme heat.  Sometimes the best option seems to be “break the contract.”  However, as perception can sometimes be faulty, a situation that may seem hopeless may hide some yet unexplored way that allows both parties to get what they need and maintain the relationship. 

Frame Law’s mediation practice is best used before a deal has gone south – that moment when it has become clear that one or both parties will not be able to honor their obligations to the letter of their aspirations but while a relationship may still be salvaged is the best time to act to save it.  In those moments, it’s sometimes penny-wise and pound foolish to pay a lawyer to litigate a broken contract over renegotiating an existing one.  We are effective with helping business leaders prioritize and resolve any differences of opinion or interest that may affect the organization’s ability to conduct operations because, in addition to knowing the law, we take the time to learn the needs of interests of our mediation clients before suggesting a proposed solution. 

Crossover Areas:


Business Formation & Expansion


Employment Practices


Contracts and Transactions


Construction Disputes