Product Liability

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Product manufacturers and those in the distribution chain are held strictly liable to a person injured by a product regardless of whether the manufacturer and/or distributors did everything possible to make sure the defect never happened. Although every state in the United States has some sort of product liability law, legal requirements and defenses vary from state to state. In addition to muddled legal requirements, express and implied warranty claims are often tied into product liability claims creating a web of claims and defenses.

The product liability claim must be taken seriously, however, strict liability does not equal total liability. Plaintiff’s in the product liability context work to muddy the issues and forestall commitment to any particular product liability theory (design, manufacturer, or inadequate warnings). Armed with the experience of defending high dollar product liability claims, including class actions and wrongful death, Frame Law is prepared to untangle the convoluted web that is the hallmark of the product liability claim to help their clients determine whether to fight, settle, and, if so, for how much.

Crossover Areas:


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